How to register an account?
A guide on how to register or signup a new account.
In order to register a new account on your will need the following:
- Valid email address
- An age of 18 or higher
Step 1. Open the signup page
You can do that by clicking on the "Register" button below.
Step 2. Fill out your information.
To complete the registration you need to fill out all the required fields:
- Username: Choose an available username, each username is unique, it is what will be displayed for other users to know you by.
- Email: Enter a valid email address.
- Password: You are required to use a strong password for your account, it need to have at least one of the following each:
- Eight characters length
- One uppercase letter
- One lowercase letter
- One number
- One Special character @#$%^&*!
- Confirm Password: Type your password again.
- Birthday: Enter your date of birth, you need to be 18+ to register on
- Referral Code (optional):
- Terms of Service: You need to agree to the Terms of Service for .
- Newsletter (optional): Subscribe to our newsletter to receive emails for new events and promotions.
- Once you filled all the required fields click on "Register Account" to complete the registration and an email will be sent into your email to verify it.